20 October 2014

ARC Netgalley: Full Contact by Sidney Halston

Worth the Fight Series, Book #2
(the books should probably read in order)

My rating: 4 stars

*ARC courtesy of Netgalley and Random House Publishing*

I really liked this one!

Slade and Jessica are quite a steamy - their chemistry is really undeniable – but cute couple! I liked in particular how Slade took care of her and how he was so attentive to Jessica's needs and moods but, as a close second, I liked also their constantly bickering and joking. They gave the impression of two people that are comfortable with each other while still having that uncontrollable attraction between them!

And then Dennis came back...He is definitely a character I didn't like (as well as Jessica's parents) but that's the part he was wrote for. Jessica, for her part, should have talked to Slade (or Jack since he's a cop) right from the start of Dennis's threatening instead of doing what she did (so much drama could be avoided!!!).

While I'm talking about the secondary characters, let me say that the author has some interesting storylines to explore: Francesca & Tony, Violet & Cain, JL & Enzo...it'll be fun reading about them!

Full Contact should probably be read after Against the Cage since at the beginning, if you didn't read the first book in the series, you'll feel quite bewildered. Or at the least that's what happened to me. The reader is in fact thrown in Jessica and Slade's more than friendship right from the start and the whys and hows are only explained  later in the story, in the third or fourth chapter if I'm not wrong. It was confusing! Still, after Jessica's recap of the events happened in the previous book it went better and I started to fully enjoy the book. In the end this was a solid 4 stars read for me!

At last, I'd like to thank again the author for the opportunity to read her book for free and I hope she appreciates my honest review

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